General Report Upon The Administration Of The Punjab Proper, For The Years 1849-50 & 1850-51

PUNJAB. General Report upon the Administration of the Punjab Proper, for the years 1849-50 & 1850-51; being the Two First Years after Annexation: with a Supplementary Notice of the Cis and Trans-Sutlej Territories. Lahore: Printed at the Chronicle Press, by Mahomed Azeem, 1854 First Lahore edition, rare; a Calcutta edition was published in the preceding year. Following the Second Sikh War (1848-49) the Punjab was officially annexed by the East India Company and this highly-detailed volume was the first of a series of reports published by the Punjab Government, forming an important primary source for the history of the region under British rule. Within a small compass a tremendous amount of information is conveyed in these pages, from the geography and peoples of the region.

The previous administration of Ranjit Singh, "military arrangements for the preservation of the Indus frontier", policing and civil courts, revenue, land grants (jageers) and pensions, development of resources, education, and finance, with the appendix supplying figures for prices, revenue and expenditure, and the expense of irregular troops. The Punjab was "the largest and most powerful state to be absorbed by the Company since the final defeat of the Marathas in 18r8" (ODNB). The Court of Directors of the Company wrote to the governor-general, Lord Dalhousie, on 26 October 1853, remarking on their "high satisfaction with which we have read this record of a wise and eminently successful administration", and noting that they "approve your intention of printing and publishing the report for general information" (reprinted in Edwin Arnold, The Marquis of Dalhousie's Administration in India (1862), vol. I, pp. 404-05). These reports were published bi-annually up until 1859, after which they were issued yearly. An online search of institutional libraries shows one copy only, at Oxford.


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