District Hazara, 1863 – 69. Scale 4 British miles – 1 inch. Surveyor General’s Office [CAlcutta] 1875. Surveyed by Lieut. Colonel H G Johnstone, Deputy Superintendent Revenue Survey & Assistants. Large folding map on a scale of 1 inch to 4 miles, linen-backed, dissected, coloured in outline, contoured, unfolded size 40ins x 27 ins. This scarce map shows the district of Hazara in an unusual amount of detail, the surrounding areas of Independent Hill Tribes, Rawalpindi, etc are left largely blank apart from the extension of a few rivers. It folds down to a size of 10 x 6¾ ins. The map is titled top left and in the bottom right is a Tabular Statement of Latitudes, longitudes & Heights of Stations. Staging Bumgalows, Tehseels, and Thana or Police Stations are indicated