Scottish Highland Pattern

Scottish Highland Pattern 1831 Broadsword with a Nickel-Plated Steel Scabbard | Blade Length: 31.5″ | Overall Length: 38.5″ | This pattern 1831 has the customary heart pierced nickel-plated basket-guard with red felt liner | The blade is deeply etched with thistle motifs | Nickel-plated scabbard. Also known as the Highland Officer’s Sword, this 1831 pattern broadsword is a two-edged cut and thrust sword with a full nickel-plated steel basket guard. With its origins in the traditional weaponry of Highland clansmen, the two highly distinctive features of this hilt are its lining and fringe. The lining is made of white buckskin covered on the outside with a red superfine and its edges bound with a blue silk ribbon. The fringe, of red silk bound with red ribbon, ties around the pommel and drapes across the front of the basket.


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