Sir John Login And Duleep Singh By Lady Lena Campbell Login

The custody of the crown Prince Maharaja Duleep Singh and his bringing up, education, conversion to Christianity, deportation to England, his marriage and miserable end provide a tragic epilogue to the loss of Sikh empire to the British in the mid-nineteenth century. This voluminous book consisting of fifteen capers provides an eyewitness account of the lives of Maharaja Duleep Singh as well as his official British caretaker and guardian Dr. Login. The book is also a detailed description of the book is also a detailed description of the major landmark stages of the sprawling British Empire during the major part of 19th century and its relationship with the Sikhs both before and after Maharaja Ranjit Singh death. Written by Lady Login, wife of Dr. Login, it gives a minute account of the Crown Prince's grooming, his whims and fancies and his bitterness towards the British during the last years of his life.

Despite being a Christian and part of the British government establishment, she has recorded the major grievances of Maharaja Duleep Singh against the British. To that extent, it is a fairly balanced description.


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