The History of the Indian Revolt 1859

(From General Sir Peter Stark Lumsden's personal collection) The History of the Indian Revolt and of the Expeditions to Persia, China, and Japan" from 1859. This first edition large 8vo features four maps, including two double-page spreads, and numerous wood engraving illustrations throughout the text. It was a very popular work at the time as an accessible account, but what makes this copy particularly special is that it belonged to General Sir Peter Stark Lumsden, G.C.B., C.S.I.. A.D.C. [1829-1918]. Lumsden had a distinguished career in India, China, and Afghanistan and was the author of the standard work on his brother's regiment, Lumsden of the Guides. This is the only example we have come across with Lumsden's bookplate, making it a truly unique addition to my collection.