The Sikh Heritage: Beyond Borders Hardcover

The Sikh Heritage: Beyond Borders Hardcover by Dalvir S. Pannu "The Sikh Heritage: Beyond Borders" devotes a chapter to each of the 84 sites it documents, immersing readers in the past through detailed accounts of the marvels photographed by the author and his team across Pakistan. This book represents the culmination of a decade-long journey of discovery and exploration of these heritage sites, coupled with the analysis of numerous Janamsakhis (hagiography accounts). The author's meticulous process of analysis and cross-referencing with various sources empowers readers to grasp Sikh history by prompting inquiries, fostering critical thinking, and delving into hundreds of sources.

The inclusion of a diverse range of primary sources and translated Gurmukhi inscriptions enhances the understanding of these sites for both local enthusiasts and international heritage lovers, contributing to the preservation of their beauty and histories through the author's writing. For a glimpse into the book, visit for a sample of 37 pages. *(Dr. Sarbjinder Singh's effort in securing this book for us is greatly appreciated)  


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