ਮਾਨਸ ਕੀ ਜਾਤ ਸਬੈ ਏਕੈ ਪਹਿਚਾਨਬੋ ll

By the grace of Waheguru, we are humbled to have the opportunity to make a donation of $47,000 to the BC Children's Hospital. This contribution is a small expression of our commitment to upholding the Sikh values of compassion and sharing with those in need. We are grateful for the chance to support the BC Children's Hospital's invaluable work and show care for our community. We thank Waheguru for guiding us toward the path of righteousness and blessing us with the means to give back. We also extend our sincere gratitude to the BC Children's Hospital for providing life-saving care to children and their families.

Donation to World Sikh Organization
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

Danish Singh Ji,

Thank you for acknowledging our donation for 2023-24 on behalf of Wanjara Nomad Collections. We appreciate the World Sikh Organization of Canada's crucial work, including legal advocacy, support for abuse survivors, youth leadership, family helpline, and mentorship programs. Contributing to these impactful initiatives is an honor.

We also commend Balpreet Singh for his exceptional dedication and efforts, which are a significant strength to your organization.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and hard work.


WNC Team


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